Having a baby is the biggest change most relationships will ever face. But will it be a precious time full of happiness and fulfillment, or a stressful stage of arguments and disconnection? The answer is often that it’s a bit of both.
Why is that? Babies are hard work! They become the focus of a lot of time and energy that used to be on the couple, and each partner's individual needs. Now, you're sleep deprived, hormonal, stressed, and busy. You've spent years figuring out how to thrive together in the roles of friend, lover, and roommate, and now you're adding coparent to the list. It can be an amazingly connecting time, but don't be surprised if you are also snappier with each other.
I want my client couples to know this so they know some dip in marital satisfaction is normal in this stage. This can be a hard season for relationships, but it's just that - a season. It will end. You just don't want to get so far away from each other in this time that you can't find your way back to each other afterward.
Here are some common issues couples struggle with after having a baby:
1. More chores to divvy up and manage
2. Different parenting styles
3. Lack of sex and intimacy
4. Arguing about money
5. Boundaries with family
6. Lack of alone time and couple time
So how do you work through these issues and enjoy this new stage? Check out this blog post for some tips.